Sunday, February 16, 2014

2013 D.C. Metropolitan Police Department's "CITIZEN OF THE YEAR"


As a Valentine's present, I rec'd notice yesterday that DC's Metropolitan Police Department has nominated me as Citizen of the Year. I have no idea how or why I was even nominated but, it is a tremendous honor. I can only assume the 2013 leadership at the Fifth District Police Department (Commander Andrew Solberg, Captain Morgan Kane and Lieutenant Edward Bernat, all of whom I work very closely) - submitted the nomination.

I will receive this award at the 2013 Metropolitan Police Department Awards Ceremony. The Ceremony will be held on Thu, Feb 20 at Gallaudet University from 7PM-9PM.

This MPD annual awards ceremony is sponsored by the DC Metropolitan Police to recognize DC MPD's many accomplishments and successes. There are only a few non-police categories; one is Citizen of the Year. You can view last year's program and citizen of the year descrip. on page 15 at http://mpdc.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/mpdc/publication/attachments/13th%20Annual%20Awards%20Program_FIN.pdf (Thanks to one of my sisters for checking into this.)

I have a doctorate class this Thu evening but instead plan to certainly attend this amazing ceremony. I also attended last year. Hopefully, my professor will understand my missing this Thu's class ... hopefully/LOL!

What an honor... very humbling!


From: Bernat, Edward (MPD)
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 1:27 AM
Cc: Porter, Dierdre (MPD)
Subject: FW: Awardee Notification

Ms. Steptoe,
Congratulations!! Please see below, you deserve it.

Thank you,

Edward R. Bernat

From: Bernard, George (MPD)
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 1:54 PM
To: Bernat, Edward (MPD)
Cc: Cummings, Christopher (MPD); Porter, Dierdre (MPD)
Subject: Awardee Notification

Please have Ms. Carolyn Steptoe notified that she has been selected to receive the Citizen of the Year Award at the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) Fourteenth Annual Awards Ceremony. The Awards Ceremony will begin at 7:00 pm on Thursday, February 20, 2014, at Elstad Auditorium, on the campus of Gallaudet University, located at 800 Florida Avenue, Northeast. To facilitate the program, please advised her to plan to arrive by 6:00 pm to receive her seating assignment and other instructions. (For check-in purposes, please remember the category of award you are receiving). Civilian employees and community members are asked to wear appropriate business attire.
Please have her contact Lennie Moore at: lennie.moore@dc.gov, or call him on (202) 727-0517 to RSVP her attendance and the number of guests who will accompany her.

Sgt. George Bernard
Human Resource Management Division
Metropolitan Police Department
300 Indiana Avenue, NW Suite 6061
Washington, DC 20001


"Congratulations Commissioner! And thank you for all you do for the residents of the District of Columbia." -Anne P.

"Carolyn, Please forgive me for being tardy, but I wanted to congratulate you on being selected as the Citizen of the Year. It's a great honor for a job well done! All the best to you as you continue to fight the cause of justice in Brookland and Ward 5. Continued success to you in the future!!" -Hazel T.

"Hey Sweetie!!!!!!!!!!Congratulations and very well deserved!!!!!!!!!!!! City couldn't have made a finer selection. Much love and God's blessings always!!!!!!!!!" -Mason

"Congratulations, Commissioner Steptoe! Job well done. Truly an honor. I look forward to seeing you next week at the ANC meeting." -Elliot T.

"Good Morning Commissioner, To GOD Be The GLORY...For The Great Things He Has Done!!!!! Congrats! on your nomination. This is the start for more good things to come!" - Sheila H.

"Commissioner Steptoe, Congratulations on your nomination! Well deserved!" - Dawn Q.

"Wonderful News Carolyn… so well deserved... Congratulations." -Elmer H.

"Congratulations!" -Fredericka S.

"Congratulations! Well deserved. I am going to try and be there." -Marsha C.

"heartiest congratulations on your "Citizen of the Year" nomination - wow!" -Barbara K.

"Congratulations Ms. Steptoe - Just sending out A Big Congratulations to you ("Citizen of the Year") you deserve it ! I wish you the best in the Ward 5 Primary the for Democratic Candidate." -John C.

"Congratulations "Boo" ;). Well it really is something that you deserve" -Antony S.

"Congratulations, Carolyn! Well deserved, indeed!! Best," -Anna D.

"CONGRATULATIONS Ms. Steptoe: I am sure you most highly deserve the award that has been given to you. I pray that you continue to be the fine Councilwoman that you are for Ward 5 and the entire District of Columbia in whatever capacity you serve." -Carol F.

"Awesome!!! You definitely deserve an award like this for all you do!!! I am truly glad that you were recognized!" -Rob R.

"Congratulations. !!!!!! Well deserved. Good choice they made!!!" -Angela A.

"Carolyn, This is awesome! I am so very proud. You are absolutely so very deserving.
I'd like to attend. Is that possible? Lots of Hugs," -Jeannette F.

"Carolyn, Congrats on your Citizen of the Year Award. Continue the good work." -Barbara W.

"Congratulations! You deserve the recognition. You really try to keep the community aware, of what is happening around the city." -Vanessa K.

"Congratulations!!" -Karen W.

"Commissioner Steptoe, Heartiest congratulations!" -Richard H.

"Congratulations!" -Mary C.

"Many congratulations." -Leslie S.

"Congratulations! And thank you for your service!" -Sevan, Keri, and kids

"Congratulations, Commissioner. As a true ally to the MPD,you deserve the award." -Andy S.

"This is great!" -Julie B.

"Congrat's to you! You are a shining star in Brookland and the Nation's Capital! We celebrate your great work in our communities! Happy Black History Month," -Fred J.

"Hot diggidy dang! Congratulations on your award!!! Gallaudet at 6pm next Thurs. This is so great! Working for the people!!" -Jennifer B.

"Congratulations Commissioner!" -Dierdre P.

Paid for by Candidate Carolyn C. Steptoe, 1257 Lawrence Street, NE, 2013 Ward 5 D.C. City Council candidate (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.10). A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance of the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.01(e)).

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