Saturday, January 4, 2014

Announcement: Steptoe picks up nominating petitions

Nov 19, 2013 3:42:51 PM

Subject: Steptoe for Ward 5 City Council

Hello Ward 5 - After much deliberation and prayer, I picked up nominating petitions seeking the democratic ballot for the Ward 5 D.C. City Council seat. If you are a Democrat and interested in signing my nominating petitions to help me qualify for the Ward 5 City Council ballot in the April 2014 primary, please let me know.

Also, if you are interested in helping me obtain petition signatures, please contact me. The minimum signatures are 250; 20 per page with nominating petitions due January 2, 2014. More campaign information to follow.

Meanwhile, I shall continue working hard in and for our ward while also obtaining signatures to earn your support and vote. Pls. know I greatly appreciate any support. Thank you kindly.

Carolyn C. Steptoe,
Candidate, Ward 5 D.C. City Council
"Steptoe: Leadership that Stands With and Works For Ward 5"
(202) 636-8191
(202) 281-4362

“Dear Carolyn: Congratulations on running. I wish you the best and hopefully I can contribute to your campaign Lord willing and finances able. Happy Thanksgiving. “

“May God Bless Ms Steptoe,
I wished I still lived in DC to sign the nominating petition. But once your campaign begins please let me know so that might be of assistance. God Bless”

You can count on my support!”

So very proud of you! You would be great as a councilman. Count me in on whatever you need...”

Very glad to read this. You have my support, 100%!
So very proud of you for this effort. DC will be lucky to have you on the City Council.

I would love to sign your petition to help you get on the ballot....“

“Jenese gave me the good news this morning. She says she will be coming around for signs. Good Luck!!!!!!”

“Cmr. Steptoe: Thank you for sending me the news about your intention to be a candidate for Ward 5 City Council.... Do you also intend to stand as a candidate for your present post as 5B04 Commissioner? “

Paid for by Candidate Carolyn C. Steptoe, 1257 Lawrence Street, NE, 2013 Ward 5 D.C. City Council candidate (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.10). A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance of the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.01(e)).

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