Saturday, January 4, 2014

Let’s Make Ward 5 History…ELECT CAROLYN C. STEPTOE

Let’s Make Ward 5 History…

ELECT CAROLYN C. STEPTOE, Ward 5 D.C. City Council


"Doing the right or fair thing is not always easy. Sometimes you stand alone in the face of great opposition. Contention, tough discussion, even attack are standards in elected leadership. Service in any form is not for the faint hearted. As a three-term elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (5 years), I have worked diligently on behalf of our residents to respond to our neighborhood issues and concerns. Throughout the years – whether as ANC or even before becoming ANC - I have consistently made sure our community has a strong, honest and caring voice. I believe city decisions and local government policies involving neighborhood schools, social services, development, employment and basic city services all should translate as benefits for our residents and our community. Sadly, our historically underserved populations continue to be our most vulnerable and our most ignored. As the elected Ward 5 councilmember, I shall continue to work tirelessly on issues - alongside our citizens and collaborative partners - as we, together, strive to create the best, most fair and most equitable quality of life for ourselves. I am running to continue the work of helping ALL Ward 5 residents enjoy our city and our communities.”

Steptoe has a proven record of commitment and hardwork on behalf of the Ward 5 residents in battling special interests and government initiatives that are contrary to interests of the Ward 5 community.

Steptoe will bring to the council compassion, empathy and genuine public service that demands all residents of Ward 5 share equitably in the city’s growing prosperity.

Steptoe will work to improve the quality of education (including adult and vocational education) and recreation facilities.

Steptoe will demand that development not be at the expense of long-term citizens who wish to remain in our community.

Steptoe will insist upon clean, beautiful and environmentally-safe neighborhoods, crime reduction, workforce training, access to healthcare facilities and that our senior citizens are safe in their homes and neighborhoods.

Steptoe will work with civil, religious and private sector groups to bring to bear community resources to help our neighborhoods achieve their maximum potential.

Steptoe has worked her entire career exclusively in varied private sector corporate industries including legal, medical, higher education and telecommunications. Steptoe owns and operates Twilight Legal Services, Inc., a boutique legal staffing company she started in 1992. Historically, the company primarily services D.C. area law firm clients.

• Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary, MD – Doctor of Ministry (D.Min./candidate), Biblical Counseling
• Keller Graduate School of Management, Bethesda, MD – Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM)
• The University of the District of Columbia – Bachelor of Arts (BA), History
• The Catholic University of America – Nursing
• Dillard University, New Orleans – Social Work

• Member, Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church
• Familial Legacy Parishioner, St. Augustine's Catholic Church
• Current, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (5B-04), term 2013-2015
• Current, Youth/Young Adult Collaborative Outreach Program (Founder 2013)
• Former, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner (5A-07), term 2009-2011; re-elected 2nd term (2011-2013)
• Current, Coalition of Roving Volunteers (Founder 2008)
• Active, D.C. Superior Court, Court Appointed Special Advocate for Abused and Neglected Children
• Former, District of Columbia Adoptive/Foster Home Licensee
• Former, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Candidate (5A-07), 2007
• Former, D.C. City Council Candidate (Ward 5), 2006
• Former Tutor, The Maya Angelou Public Charter School, 2001-2003
• Former Mentor, Center for Child Protection and Family Support, 2001-2003
• Former Phone Counselor, Prevent Child Abuse of Metropolitan Washington, 2001-2002
• Former Tutor, Beacon House/ Project Northstar, 2001

As ANC Commissioner:
• Created monthly youth & young adult collaborative outreach program with ANC, Luke C. Moore SHS and Guildfield Baptist Church.
• Joined senior citizen propertyowners in their fight against a developer to protect their homes and quality of life.
• Assisted neighborhood youth in resolving job, education and social issues.
• Responded to storm outages, damages and related problems.
• Increased speed humps and street signage to ensure vehicular public safety.
• Partnership with community, Catholic University and Metropolitan Police Department to handle disruptive student houses.
• Worked with residents, propertyowners and local businesses in resolving disputes.
• Galvanized community support for families of victims of local neighborhood tragedies.

Before ANC Commissioner:
• Asked by Burroughs ES parents and teachers to function as key spokesperson to help stop neighborhood school closings and DCPS teacher firings.
• Contacted by Ivy City leaders to help fight city council efforts to dump nude strip clubs into their neighborhood.
• Contacted by Trinidad community leaders to testify and help advocate against police checkpoints.
• Initiated and led effort to successfully stop historic designation application proposed for Brookland propertyowners.
• Testified before DC City Council and D.C. government agencies.

- “Men and Women’s Unity Day,” Mistress of Ceremony, Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church, Washington, DC, November 2013.
- “Ministers’ Ordination,” Presenter, Evangel Missionary Baptist Church, Washington, DC, September 2013.
- “Eighth Grade Graduation Exercise,” Keynote Speaker, DCPS Noyes Educational Campus, Washington, DC, June 2013.
- “Fathers’ Day Brunch: Restoring the Village- From High Chair to High School to Higher Education,” Panelist/Speaker, Mary McLeod Bethune PCS, Washington, DC, June 2013.
- “Annual Mother-Daughter,” Keynote Speaker, Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church, Washington, DC, June 2013.
“Second Annual Mother Daughter Tea,” Keynote Speaker, DCPS Noyes Educational Campus, Washington, DC, May 2013.
- “Role of Christians in Refuting Cults: Rastafarianism-Analysis of a Cult,” Doctor of Ministry-candidate Presenter/Speaker, Old Testament/Pentateuch Spring Course of Dr. Jerrye W. Jones, Maple Springs Bible College and Seminary, Capitol Heights, MD, March 2013.
- “Testimony of Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe for D.C. Council Chairman Kwame R. Brown’s Roundtable on
‘Economic Development Projects and Programs in Ward 5,’” Washington, DC, February 2012.
- "Testimony of 5A07 Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe” on D.C. Zoning Commission Case No. 10-28, 901 Monroe Street PUD & Upzoning in Square 3829, January 2012.
- “90th Church Anniversary Celebration,” Mistress of Ceremony, Guildfield Missionary Baptist Church, Martins’ Crosswinds, 2011.
- “Bill 18-482, Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Equality Amendment Act of 2009: Testimony of Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe” D.C. Council Committee on Public Safety and the Judiciary, Phil Mendelson, Chair, October 2009.
- “PR 18-46 ‘Brookland CUA Metro Station Small Area Plan Approval Resolution of 2009:’ Testimony of Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe,” D.C. Council Committee of the Whole, Vincent Gray, Chair, February 2009.
- “Public Participation in Historic Designation Amendment Act of 2008: Testimony of Carolyn C. Steptoe” Public Hearing, D.C. Council Committee of the Whole, Vincent Gray, Chair, November 2008.
- “Hot Spot No Loitering Zone Amendment: Testimony of Carolyn C. Steptoe,” Public Hearing, D.C. Council Committee on Public Safety and the Judiciary, Phil Mendelson, Chair, June 2008.
- “The Closure of District of Columbia Public Schools: Testimony of Carolyn C. Steptoe,” Public Hearing,
D.C. Council Committee of the Whole, Vincent C. Gray, Chair, January 2008.
- “Comments on Draft Final Plan Presentation for the Brookland/CUA Small Area Metro Plan: Testimony of Carolyn C. Steptoe,” sponsored by DC Office of Planning, Catholic University of America, Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center July 2007.

Paid for by Candidate Carolyn C. Steptoe, 1257 Lawrence Street, NE, 2013 Ward 5 D.C. City Council candidate (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.10). A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance of the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics (D.C. Official Code §1-1102.01(e)).

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